Sunday, March 9, 2014

Coming Home

People have varying views of excitement about coming home. In college they may look forward to or dread the idea of going home over different breaks. The one thing that is usually nice about going home is that its home and you have a place that you can call home. It may not be the best but at least it is home. See it is a place you know what to expect and that you are used to. College or just moving away can be a difficult and challenging time. You don't have any routine to begin with and its all new to you. I always looked forward to breaks freshman and even sophomore year of college. It felt right going home and having a group of people to accept and get back together with. It felt right and I knew I belonged there. Now as I return from my spring break of junior year I noticed how it has changed. Through being at college for so long now that is more of my home than where I live is. It has come to the point where I have been here long enough that my routine and everything is more set in place at college than when I am at home. While this may seem alarming I'm quite OK with it all. I love the people I'm with at college feel like it has really helped me grow into the person I am today. While I may not feel as comfortable at home anymore, I do feel like I am growing more independent. Maybe and just maybe that's part of the reason I don't feel as comfortable at home anymore. I've changed and grown into my own person while at college and well home hasn't changed all that much. That's fine with me though and it makes going home a time to reflect and see how I've grown and what has changed about me. It is also a good time to see if I like how college is changing me and do something about it if I want to. So, while home may not truly be home anymore after moving away, it still is a good place to go back to every once and while and appreciate it and see how much you've grown up. 

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